It's been a long time since I have blogged! Boy, time just flies when you are working and have 3 kids. Lets catch up! My last blog about my family was gardening, so lets start in the summertime! This was a beautiful cherry tree in our neighbors yard. They did not want the fruit, so we picked and picked and picked! We gave plenty away, but also had fun finding ways to preserve them.

We picked buckets and buckets and coolers full! Aren't they beautiful!

Here is Joe helping pick! He was such a great helper!

Joe thought I needed a pic too! So here I am pulling down the limbs to get the cherries.

One way we preserved was pitting them and drying them. Boy was that a mess and very time consuming, but they tasted soo good!

I can't seem to find the other pictures, but we also canned and froze them. They were so tasty! We will miss that tree! It was chopped down to build a new house!
I hope you are all doing well and plan to have more posts to get all caught up!
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