We are not moving....It just didn't feel right. So, we will stay here and try to fix this place up a little bit..I mean alot. Our plans are to
1.) Plant lots of colorful flowers.
2.) Fix side yard into an outside eating area - or maybe flower garden
3.) Put together shed to hold outside tools and machines.
4.) Build dog yard for the dogs. Kids and dog separate = happy mom. :) (no poopy shoes)
5.) Replant grass in play area in backyard.
6.) Buy a play structure
7.) Get garden area ready for planting!!!!!YAY!!
8.) New fence or shrubs on fence line for privacy.
Since we are not moving, be can use that money to make this place nice and pay off many debts!
Sounds like a good plan for me. I plan on taking pictures and showing our progress!
Time to be a sports mom. Good thing dad is here to help. Andrew practices on tues. and thurs.
Joe practices on mon. and wed. It's going to be a long season, but lots of fun. I can't wait!
Now we just have to find Andrew mit we bought him 3 weeks ago and now can't find. :(
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
8 hours ago
Hi. Thanks for visiting my blog. You had asked about the sausage recipe that we used. Unfortunately, we used a combination of things, which doesn't make it easy to give the recipe. First off we had used the seasonings that were put together through our local grocery store. (BiLo) So, that wont help you because I don't even know what all is in it. It still didn't have enough season for us and we added more. We also bought the high temperature cheddar cheese. (Definitely recommend that! We love the ones with cheese) We added things like salt, pepper and garlic powder is all. We'd take pieces periodically and fry it in a pan to taste it and then go from there. I can give you a couple of recipes that we got from a couple of friends. Maybe they'll be something different for you.
1.) Venison Smoked Sausage
10lbs. venison
10lbs. Pork
8 TBS Tender Quick Salt
3 1/2 TBS Black Pepper
3 TBS. Brown Sugar
2 TBS. Garlic Powder
1 TBS. Ground Sage
1/2 tsp. Clove
add luke warm water
2.) Venison Sausage
20 lbs. venison
20 lbs. pork
4 to 5 ozs. pepper
14 ozs. tender quick
5 tsp. lemon juice
1 gallon water with garlic
soak over night.
I hope I wasn't to confusing. Welcome to the blogging world! Stop and visit again. www.homeschoolblogger.com/ourhomeschool
Dear Karrie,
Thank you for dropping by our blog as well. What a fascinating "coincidence" with the similar names. (Please feel free to drop by anytime you'd like!)
Your family is beautiful. Seek the Lord; love Him with all of your heart, mind, and strength. I loved reading that you want to draw closer to Him. I'd love to chat with you about it if you'd like to email me. karen(dot)engstrom(at)comcast.net
I hope you keep up with blogging!
Bless you,
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