Saturday, August 14, 2010

Turning 3

Lillie at age 2

My daughter turned 3 yesterday! As with all my kids....I am just in love with her! Although there are days I am exausted from taking care of her, I am so greatful God gave me this sweet, beautiful, yet spitfire of a girl! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILLIE, WE ALL LOVE YOU!!!
See how big she has grown!

What a big 3 year old you are!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Visted a new church

Since we have moved, we have not found a new church. It hasn't been my priority for a long time. Finally my priorities have change and I am glad for that. As I have been preparing for homeschooling and have noticed my kids acting up, I decided it was NOW that a home church be found. So in the next couple of weeks we will be looking for a church. This Sunday we went to a small church....I mean small! Only 3 families. No Sunday school. I let the pastor and his family know that my children have only gone to church a couple times this past year and that they have never had to stay in the service with me. They almost always went to a childrens church.

I must say I am dissapointed in myself for not training my children to be able to sit and behave for any period of time. :( And I am now on a mission to teach that to my 10, 7, and 2 (almost 3) year old. They did great though. (ofcourse I felt embarassed for them not sitting the whole time) They all sat good for 40 minutes. I must think positive and realize that 40 mintues is BIG for children who have never had to sit.

I loved that the families there homeschool and very very sweet to me. They realized that this is a learning process for my kids and that practicing at home is a good way to help the kids learn.

I am anxious to start family worship time and doing devotionals with them again. I also plan on having the kids sit in one spot and practice sitting for periods of time.

The church was great, and we plan on going again. Maybe next time my husband will accompany us.

oh Lord!!! I am happy to be in your presence again!